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Aviation software solutions

Aviation software solutions

LIDO flight planning API integration option announced by APM

APM has added an inter­face to the LIDO flight plan­ning sys­tem to its range of avail­able API exchange inte­gra­tion options from APM’s Smar­tOps module.

Inte­gra­tion with LIDO is now avail­able as an option­al addi­tion to APM’s sys­tems, enabling users to trans­mit and receive mes­sages between APM mod­ules and the flight plan­ning tool, which is wide­ly used with­in air­line dis­patch processes.

The mes­sages avail­able from APM to LIDO are:

ASM: ASMs for LIDO flight plan­ning tool. Mes­sages are sent for the next two days before oper­a­tions depar­ture date.

WAB – Weight and Bal­ance Mes­sage: for each com­mer­cial sec­tor, the mes­sage records either the expect­ed or booked pas­sen­ger num­bers by gen­der and class, and adult, child and infant, and then uses an APM weight dic­tio­nary to com­pute weights. Addi­tion­al­ly, for each com­mer­cial sec­tor, the freight is entered into the flight sec­tor infor­ma­tion window.

The sum of the freight, pas­sen­ger and crew weight val­ues, based on the weight dic­tio­nary, cal­cu­lates the total of the pay­load to trans­mit in the WAB mes­sage to LIDO.

CMS mes­sage: Crew data mes­sage based on crew infor­ma­tion from Crew­Log­ic for crew brief­ing giv­ing pilot-in-com­mand name, crew code, oth­er crew roles and names, plus duty posi­tion flight num­ber and date. APM users must be using Crew­Log­ic for this mes­sage to include appro­pri­ate details.

FUP: Fuel Price Mes­sage, tak­en from the finan­cial tables in APM’s finan­cial sys­tems, by air­port fuel price, valid-from and valid-to dates.

MVT mes­sages: Sent for actu­al time updates.

Post­ing Mes­sage: To MQSeries for var­i­ous docs from APM to LIDO. For exam­ple, Gen­Dec can be sent from the APM sys­tem to Lido for flight briefings.

Mes­sage from LIDO to APM: APM col­lect these mes­sages from the MQSeries Lido API with a ser­vice scan.

WABi: This mes­sage includes ETE, planned trip fuel and esti­mat­ed block fuel. This mes­sage is used with­in APM’s sys­tem to update actu­al times based on the depar­ture time of the sec­tor, total fuel and planned trip fuel.

The APM Smar­tOps mod­ule pro­pos­es a ded­i­cat­ed wiz­ard to val­i­date the pay­load cal­cu­la­tion. This wiz­ard also per­mits the user to attach var­i­ous flight doc­u­ments (e.g. PDF’s) which will be then gath­ered by Lido into the Flight Brief­ing sheet.

The Lido API from APM is sub­ject to spec­i­fi­ca­tion and addi­tion­al cost.

Live-sync and simulation enhancements among highlights of APM‑5

The abil­i­ty to syn­chro­nise offline sched­ul­ing and crew­ing sim­u­la­tions with live pro­duc­tion data is one of a raft of enhance­ments includ­ed in APM‑5 — the lat­est release of APM’s suite of inte­grat­ed mod­ules for avi­a­tion sched­ul­ing, crew­ing, flight­watch and com­mer­cial operations.

The syn­chro­ni­sa­tion fea­ture means that users can eas­i­ly draw on the lat­est live data from APM’s Sched­ule­Plan­ner and Crew­Log­ic as they cre­ate and test sched­ul­ing, crew ros­ter and estab­lish­ment sce­nar­ios using Sched­uleS­im and CrewSim tools.

Live sync is one a num­ber of inno­va­tions, designed to sup­port air­lines’ pur­suit of the mar­gin­al gains that help dri­ve improved oper­a­tional per­for­mance and prof­itabil­i­ty, which is includ­ed in APM‑5.

Along­side live sync, APM has refined the algo­rithm at the heart of its Opti­miser engine, enabling users to eas­i­ly cre­ate and com­pare — using data visu­al­i­sa­tion-based report­ing — mul­ti­ple crew­ing sce­nar­ios that address indi­vid­ual KPIs, such as duty time, while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly shap­ing broad­er, tar­get­ed, KPIs.

Among oth­er high­lights, APM‑5 includes an enhanced fea­ture with­in its Com­mer­cial mod­ule that enables eas­i­er fuel con­sump­tion analy­sis, and an extend­ed Crew­ing mod­ule fea­ture that offers users the abil­i­ty to cre­ate indi­vid­ual train­ing pro­grammes that can be assigned to per­son­al train­ing plans.

These, and oth­er enhance­ments includ­ed in APM‑5, will be avail­able to view first-hand in a 10-minute demon­stra­tion of APM’s suite of mod­ules at the Swiss-based soft­ware brand’s stand at the forth­com­ing IATA Slot Con­fer­ence in Copen­hagen from 20–22 June 2013.

To arrange a demon­stra­tion sim­ply email info@apmtechnologies or call +41 22 717 8499.

New algorithmic approach generates up to 5 per cent gain in crewing performance

APM’s Dr Nik Eggen­berg will demon­strate how the adop­tion of ‘col­umn gen­er­a­tion’ algo­r­tihms with­in crew sim­u­la­tion soft­ware can deliv­er a per­for­mance improve­ment of between 3–5 per cent when he speaks at AGIFORS’ Crew Man­age­ment con­fer­ence in Frank­furt lat­er this month.

Using evi­dence drawn from real-life air­line case stud­ies, Nik will high­light how an opti­miser apply­ing meta­heuris­tic col­umn gen­er­a­tion, such as that adopt­ed in APM’s crew­ing sim­u­la­tion envi­ron­ment CrewSim, can gen­er­ate greater effi­cien­cies in the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of crew estab­lish­ments, opti­mi­sa­tion and post-flight per­for­mance analysis.

He will explain that a col­umn gen­er­a­tion-based opti­miser enables users to tack­le mul­ti­ple-objec­tive opti­mi­sa­tion one KPI at a time.

By trans­lat­ing algo­rithms into a dynam­ic user-friend­ly inter­face — with graphs enabling easy iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the best pare­to-opti­mal solu­tion and post-flight per­for­mance analy­sis — users are able to eas­i­ly iden­ti­fy both indi­vid­ual KPIs, such as indi­vid­ual duty time, that can simul­ta­ne­ous­ly con­tribute to the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of broad­er, tar­get­ed, KPIs such as opti­mi­sa­tion of block time.

Nik will deliv­er his pre­sen­ta­tion — called ‘A Ros­ter Sim­u­la­tion solu­tion for Opti­mi­sa­tion Estab­lish­ment and Per­for­mance Analy­sis’ — at the AGIFORS event on 18 June.

Developed in Switzerland Developed in Switzerland

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