APM - Seamless software solutions

Aviation software solutions

Aviation software solutions

Live-sync and simulation enhancements among highlights of APM‑5

The abil­i­ty to syn­chro­nise offline sched­ul­ing and crew­ing sim­u­la­tions with live pro­duc­tion data is one of a raft of enhance­ments includ­ed in APM‑5 — the lat­est release of APM’s suite of inte­grat­ed mod­ules for avi­a­tion sched­ul­ing, crew­ing, flight­watch and com­mer­cial operations.

The syn­chro­ni­sa­tion fea­ture means that users can eas­i­ly draw on the lat­est live data from APM’s Sched­ule­Plan­ner and Crew­Log­ic as they cre­ate and test sched­ul­ing, crew ros­ter and estab­lish­ment sce­nar­ios using Sched­uleS­im and CrewSim tools.

Live sync is one a num­ber of inno­va­tions, designed to sup­port air­lines’ pur­suit of the mar­gin­al gains that help dri­ve improved oper­a­tional per­for­mance and prof­itabil­i­ty, which is includ­ed in APM‑5.

Along­side live sync, APM has refined the algo­rithm at the heart of its Opti­miser engine, enabling users to eas­i­ly cre­ate and com­pare — using data visu­al­i­sa­tion-based report­ing — mul­ti­ple crew­ing sce­nar­ios that address indi­vid­ual KPIs, such as duty time, while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly shap­ing broad­er, tar­get­ed, KPIs.

Among oth­er high­lights, APM‑5 includes an enhanced fea­ture with­in its Com­mer­cial mod­ule that enables eas­i­er fuel con­sump­tion analy­sis, and an extend­ed Crew­ing mod­ule fea­ture that offers users the abil­i­ty to cre­ate indi­vid­ual train­ing pro­grammes that can be assigned to per­son­al train­ing plans.

These, and oth­er enhance­ments includ­ed in APM‑5, will be avail­able to view first-hand in a 10-minute demon­stra­tion of APM’s suite of mod­ules at the Swiss-based soft­ware brand’s stand at the forth­com­ing IATA Slot Con­fer­ence in Copen­hagen from 20–22 June 2013.

To arrange a demon­stra­tion sim­ply email info@apmtechnologies or call +41 22 717 8499.

Developed in Switzerland Developed in Switzerland

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