APM - 无缝的软件解决方案



ScheduleSim 和 CrewSim 在 Slot Conference 上亮相

插槽会议上的 APM

IATA 角子机会议一如既往地忙碌,也是与新老同事交流的好机会.

经过一段时间的发展, APM 展示了新模块 调度模拟CrewSim, 除了现有的调度, 插槽提交, 飞行操作, 船员管理和财务建模和决策工具.

会议代表的反馈是积极的,我们期待与那些表示有兴趣的人进一步讨论 ScheduleSim 和 CrewSim.

如果您想了解有关该软件的更多信息并支持 APM 产品,请发送电子邮件至 info@apmtechnologies.com 或致电我们 +41 22 717 84 99

APM reveals revitalised branding

For over 10 years APM has been work­ing with air­lines, devel­op­ing and imple­ment­ing inte­grat­ed soft­ware designed to help increase effi­cien­cy and profitability.

As we enter our sec­ond decade and con­tin­ue to devel­op the soft­ware we offer, we are evolv­ing our brand­ing to reflect the increased sophis­ti­ca­tion of our offer­ing. We will imple­ment the new brand­ing over a peri­od of time. We con­tin­ue to focus on pro­vid­ing inte­grat­ed air­line soft­ware and sup­port that enables air­lines to increase effi­cien­cy and improve profitability.

APM in CAPA (AIT) Conference

We will be at the CAPA’s ‘Air­lines in Tran­si­tion’ Con­fer­ence in Dublin on the 10th/11th 四月 13. We look for­ward to meet­ing you there.

APM to demonstrate new aircraft and crew schedule tools at the Slot Conference

We will be at the131st Slot Con­fer­ence in Toron­to to demon­strate the immi­nent releas­es of our new air­craft and crew sched­ule sim­u­la­tion tools. If you plan on attend­ing, vis­it us at booth 42 or email us atinfo@apmtechnologies.com to arrange a demonstration

APM to attend Slot Conference in Barcelona

APM con­firmed it will attend the Slot Con­fer­ence in Barcelona June 2012 and look for­ward to meet­ing our cur­rent a prospec­tive cus­tomers there.

在瑞士开发 在瑞士开发

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